The use of can/can't in permission
Good lock to all groups (but not) and may the best win
Qual das alternativas a seguir temos o uso do can em dar permissão
You can sleep here, if you want
Can I drive your car
You can't speak here
Can I come in??
Qual das alternativas a seguir temos o uso do can em pedir permissão
Can I playing with you??
Can't you play chess with me??
You can't stay here
Can I borrow my book??
Em qual frase o verbo can está corretamente no sentido de permissão?
Can I use my phone
Can I help me?
He can speak Chinese
It can happen with anyone
Qual alternativa melhor completa a frase: The students ____________ a dictionary during the exam.
Could use
Should not use
Can use
Can't use
Onde usamos o can/can't em permissão?
Is used to authorize something or someone to do something.
Is used to show the capacity.
Is used to indicate capability, ask for permission or show that something is possible.
Is used to authorize someone to do something.