The Will Smith Story !!

The Will Smith Story !!

Easy Questions About Beloved Actor Will Smith

Imagem de perfil user: Mayra Santiago
Mayra Santiago



1. In which TV series did Will Smith become famous in the 1990s?

a) The fresh Prince of Bel-Air (O Maluco no Pedaço)
b) Minions 2

2. What is Will Smith's full name?

a) Willard Carroll Smith Jr.
b) Willard Smith Jr.

3. In which movie will Will Smith play a government agent who fights against them?

b) Men in Black (os homens de preto)
a) Carrossel 2

4. In which film did Will Smith play the character "Chris Gardner", a man struggling with poverty?

b) Tá dando onda
a) The Pursuit of Happiness (a procura da felicidade)

5. Is Will Smith also known for his career in another artistic field?

a) Music
b) Dance
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