There is and There are

There is and There are

There is e there are representam o verbo haver. Utilizamos there is para singular, há/existe. Utilizamos there are para plural, existem.

Imagem de perfil user: Cassia Santin
Cassia Santin


Is there a cup on the table?

Is there a cup on the table?

No, there isn't. (Singular, porém negativo).
Yes, there is. (Singular)
Is there a cup on the table?

Is there a cup on the table?

Yes, there is. (Singular)
Yes, there are. (Plural)
Are there dolls on the table?

Are there dolls on the table?

Yes, there are. (Plural)
No, there aren't. (Plural, porém negativo)
Yes, there is. (Singular)
Are there sheep's on the floor? 
Existem ovelhas no chão?

Are there sheep's on the floor? Existem ovelhas no chão?

No, there aren't. (Plural, porém negativo).
Yes, there are. (Plural).
Yes, there is. (Singular)
Is there a sun in the sky?

Is there a sun in the sky?

No, there isn't. (Plural, porém negativo)
No, there isn't, it is a moon. (Singular, porém negativo e afirmando que não é sol, mas sim uma lua)
Yes, there is. (Singular)
Are there corns inside the basket?
Existem milhos dentro do cesto?

Are there corns inside the basket? Existem milhos dentro do cesto?

Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.
Is there a bread on the table?
Há um pão sobre a mesa?

Is there a bread on the table? Há um pão sobre a mesa?

No, there are breads on the table. (Plural, negativa da pergunta e afirmando que não é somente um pão)
Yes, there is.
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