trabalho de  Inglês  10 questoes

trabalho de Inglês 10 questoes

atividades sobre o modernismo

Imagem de perfil user: wallyson



1. What was one of the main influences of Modernism in Brazil?

European avant-garde movements, such as Futurism and Cubism

Who was the author of "Pauliceia Desvairada", a landmark of Brazilian Modernism?

Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Mário de Andrade
Manuel Bandeira
Oswald de Andrade

In which city did the Modern Art Week, which gave rise to Modernism in Brazil, take place?

Belo Horizonte
Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo

The Anthropophagic Manifesto, written by Oswald de Andrade, proposed:

The complete rejection of European influence
The strengthening of Parnassianism
The critical absorption of foreign culture and its transformation into something Brazilian
The return to Brazilian indigenous traditions

What characteristic is common in the works of the first modernist phase in Brazil?

Use of colloquial language and close to orality
Strong moralistic appeal
Valuation of formal and erudite language
Religious and mystical themes

In the second phase of Modernism (1930-1945), which theme was most explored by the authors?

Formal experimentalism
The search for the fantastic and surreal
Indigenous mythology and symbolism
Social and political criticism

Which writer is considered one of the greatest representatives of the second phase of Brazilian Modernism?

Manuel Bandeira
João Cabral de Melo Neto
Graciliano Ramos
Jorge Amado

Which of these works is by Clarice Lispector, an important figure of the third modernist phase?

"A Hora da Estrela"
"Grande Sertão: Veredas"
"Vidas Secas"
"O Guarani"

How can we define the proposal of modernist aesthetics?

Formal freedom and artistic innovation
Search for technical perfection in poetry and prose
Rescue of classical traditions
Complete rejection of any foreign influence

Which of these Brazilian painters was involved in the Modern Art Week of 1922?

Di Cavalcanti
Tarsila do Amaral
Candido Portinari
Anita Malfatti
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