Trabalho Passive Voice.

Trabalho Passive Voice.

Um quiz sobre o tema "passive voice" no inglês, para a aula da teacher Simone.

Imagem de perfil user: Gianluca A. P.

Gianluca A. P.


Based on a sentence on simple present "they make protests" mark the correct form in the passive voice.

Protests are made by them.
Are made the protests.
Protests made by them.
Protests are make by them.

Based on a sentence in simple past "they made protests" mark the form in the passive voice.

Protests were made.
Protests made by us.
Protests were made.
Protests were made by them.

Examples of sentences in the English passive voice are, except:(São exemplos de frases na voz passiva inglesa, exceto:)

He got killed.
He was last seen at 08:45am on Thursday, July 1.
Jack mailed the package.
The car was cleaned by Bob.

Examples of sentences in the English passive voice are, except:(São exemplos de frases na voz passiva inglesa, exceto:)

The record was broken by Dan in 2016.
He slammed the door on my face.
The victim was assaulted by the tow truck driver.
They got vaccinated for coronavirus.

Characteristics of the Engilsh passive voice are, except:(São características da voz passiva do inglês, exceto:)

Use of the future participle.
Use of have been.
Use of the verbs to be and to get.
Use of was and were.

(ADVISE 2009) Do the passive voice of the sentence: "He has made everything beautiful in its time".(Transforme em voz passiva a frase "He has made everything beautiful in its time")

In its time, everything beautiful had been made by him
In its time, everything beautiful was made by him.
In its time, everything beautiful has been made by him.
He had made everything beautiful in its time.

She said to me: “Go!” She told me_______________.

to go.
has gone

Papa asked Yami “What movie do you want to see?” Papa asked her what movie ______________

she wanted to see.
to see.
did she want to see.
she want to see.
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