uso do condicional com would

uso do condicional com would

um quiz sobre o condicional com uso do would

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How would is used?

to build words
for positive sentences
Used to construct interrogative and negative sentences, without the need to use auxiliaries such as do or does

When use would?

to make an offering of something
to ask questions
to express indicate possibility is to offer something

what would you Indicates?

This verb only has phrases like "however" and "may"
This verb seria has a fixed meaning, however it is often presented as "queria and "quero"
This verb does not have a fixed meaning, however it is often presented as “would” and “would have”

When you use "would" to express a wish or hypothesis, what is the basic structure of the sentence?

The basic structure is "If + past simple, would + base form of the verb"
The basic structure we use might and can

What is the role of "would" in conditional sentences type 2 (unreal in the present) and 3 (unreal in the past)?

In type 2 conditional sentences, "would" is used to describe hypothetical outcomes in the present or future
In conditional sentences, sentences are composed with now and not later

How would you use "would" to make a polite suggestion in English?

In an educational sentence you could not use "would"
To make a polite suggestion, you can use "would" followed by the base verb
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