Vaccines and their History

Vaccines and their History

This is a quiz about Vaccine knowledge and their history.

Imagem de perfil user: Lydia Alves
Lydia Alves


What is the importance of vaccines?

What is the importance of vaccines?

Help prevent disease, and help immunize people
Make people live longer
What is the name of the doctor who developed the first vaccine?

What is the name of the doctor who developed the first vaccine?

Edward Jenner
Freddie Highmore
When the vaccine was created, what disease did the doctor want to prevent?

When the vaccine was created, what disease did the doctor want to prevent?

The Black Fever
What was the vaccine revolt?

What was the vaccine revolt?

That was when people revolted against the president, because they thought that the vaccine had to be mandatory
That was when people took to the streets to protest against the Mandatory Vaccine Law, because they thought that vaccines caused a series of diseases, psychological disorders and even death.
What is the name of the president who created the mandatory vaccine law?

What is the name of the president who created the mandatory vaccine law?

Oswaldo Cruz
Juscelino Kubitscheck
Who are the first people who should be vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine?

Who are the first people who should be vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine?

Doctors, firefighters, the elderly, Indians
Teachers, children, supermarket attendants
Can a person who has recently been infected with the coronavirus virus be vaccinated with the vaccine?

Can a person who has recently been infected with the coronavirus virus be vaccinated with the vaccine?

No, cause her situation can get worse.
Yes, to be fully immunized.
What is the name of the coronavirus vaccine?

What is the name of the coronavirus vaccine?

How do vaccines work?

How do vaccines work?

Vaccines are introduced into the human body and immediately kill all virus and the bacterias.
Vaccines are introduced into the human body, they contain the disease-causing agent or substances that these agents produce in a person's body, and thus help to stimulate the production of antibodies and memory cells by the immune system.
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