Verb To Be Quiz

Verb To Be Quiz

Revisão Verbo To be

Imagem de perfil user: Janderson Eduardo
Janderson Eduardo
Are You an English student ?

Are You an English student ?

Yes, I am
No, I don't
am, Yes I
Yes, I is
Is it a Snake?

Is it a Snake?

No, It is a dog
Is yes It
no, it is not
Yes, it is
Are they Scientists?

Are they Scientists?

No, you are not
Yes, They are
No, They are dentists
Yes, he is
Is this a Beach ?

Is this a Beach ?

No, it is a river
No, it is not
Yes, it is
Yes, he is
Katy Perry...

Katy Perry...

Is a famous pop singer
Is a Canadian singer
Are a American Singer
Am a famous singer
Choose the right option

Choose the right option

He isn't a famous brazilian humorist
Fabio Porchat are famous brazilian humorist
Fabio Porchat isn't a a humorist
Fabio Porchat's a famous brazilian humorist
Choose the right sentence:

Choose the right sentence:

Ana e Vitória, They aren't a MPB music duo
They is a famou MPB music duo
Ana e Vitória are a MPB music duo
Ana e Vitória, They are a MPB music duo
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