Verbos regulares e irregulares

Verbos regulares e irregulares

Certo ou errado

Imagem de perfil user: Karen Lima
Karen Lima

What are regular verbs for?

are those that, when conjugated, do not undergo changes in their radical
are those that follow the expected standard conjunction for verbs, within a logic that does not change irregular forms in their

What are irregular verbs used for?

has a different conjugation from the one considered regular, bringing variations in some of its configurations
does not follow any pattern when conjugated

how to recognize regular and irregular verbs

we just need to look at it and see if it doesn't have past regular structure (with "ed" or the "d" at the end)
regular verbs change and irregular verbs

what are the main irregular verbs?

draw, draw, drawn

what are the main regular verbs?


What are the rules for regular and irregular verbs?

there is no rule for both
for a verb to be irregular it must be conjugated in the same way both in the simple past and in the participle. There is no rule for conjugating an irregular verb
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