Violência contra a mulher -

Violência contra a mulher -

Quiz realizado pelos alunos: - João Pedro Chichinell; - Cauã Javaroni; - Yasmin Trevisan; - Joaquim Susi; O quiz foi criado com o intuito de abranger o conhecimento dos alunos que realizarão o quiz posteriormente, e o tema escolhido para isso foi o aumento dos casos de violência contra a mulher no interior de São Paulo.

Imagem de perfil user: iPaiN

What is violence against women?

Violence against women is any form of gender-based harm, including physical, sexual, or psychological abuse.
Violence against women is a form of empowerment and liberation.
Violence against women is a myth perpetuated by the media.

Why does it happen?

Violence against women happens because men are inherently violent.
Violence against women happens because women provoke it.
Violence against women arises from cultural norms, gender inequality, and societal attitudes.

Why is it a relevant issue to be tackled?

It's relevant because it's entertaining for the media.
It's not relevant because women are naturally submissive.
It's relevant because it violates women's rights and undermines their well-being, impacting society.

According to the news, every how many hours 1 woman is attacked in Brazil?

Every 7 minutes.
Every hour.
Every day.

What types of aggression do women suffer?

Women only suffer physical aggression.
Women don't suffer aggression.
Physical, sexual, and psychological aggression.

What was the type of aggression suffered by Ana Hickmann?

Attempted murder.
Verbal abuse.

Which month had the highest number of attacks against women?

March (fictional).

Why is it important for public figures to report this type of incident?

It's important for publicity and attention.
It's not important; they should handle it privately.
To raise awareness and set an example.

Why is it important to carry out a criminal examination after the attack?

It's not important; it only prolongs the trauma.
To gather evidence for legal proceedings.
To shame the victim publicly.

What is the contact number in cases of violence against women?

180 (Brazilian helpline).