Vocabulário de escola

Vocabulário de escola

Quiz sobre vocabulário da escola 8° CA

Imagem de perfil user: Evaldo Servulo
Evaldo Servulo

A group of students needs to get together to discuss the protest on the environment day. Where can they be gather ?

The gym.
the main office.
The science lab.
The auditorium.

Maria needs to check the chemical reaction of a mixture. Where should she go to test ?

The computer lab.
The hall.
The gym.
The science lab.

Maria needs to research population projection. where can you find this data ?

The cafeteria.
The library.
The science lab.
The computer lab.

João needs to do some research for his work. But the professor said he cannot use the internet. Where should he go ?

The library.
The science lab.
The hall.
The computer lab.

João forgot his book at home. Where can he go to get another one ?

The computer lab
The auditorium
The library
The main office

The student missed a test. where should he go to get the form for the new test ?

The main office.
The hall.
The computer lab.
The library.

A novice teacher is late for her lecture. Where should I go to ask for information ?

The gym.
The auditorium.
The cafeteria.
The main office.

maria needs to go to the secretariat but she has to cross the ?

The hall.
The computer lab.
The science lab.
The auditorium.

Mariana needs to read a book, where she should go to get her book ?

The cafeteria
The main offce
The computer lab
The library

Carlos is hungry, where should he go to buy his lunch at school ?

The gym
The cafeteria
The science lab
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