Você conhece a música de kpop por apenas um trecho em inglês dela?

Você conhece a música de kpop por apenas um trecho em inglês dela?

Espero que gostem do quiz <3

Imagem de perfil user: Isabella San
Isabella San



Play play play play play. I'll put in the purse stay clay? Dirt? i'm gonna. Rothko gets to

Nenhuma das alternativas
Got7 Look
BTS Best For me
JBJ My Flower
NCT U Baby Don't Stop

The way you make me feel, baby Way you make me say

BlackPink Omona
Sunmi Heroine
Winner Everyday
Suga Agust D
CLC Black Dress

Spangles are falling down

BoA One Shot Two Shot
Nenhuma das alternativas
BlackPink Omona
CLC Black Dress
Sunmi Gashina

Perfect with you with you with you

Weki Meki La La La
MaMaMoo Starry Night
JBJ My Flower
Got7 Look
BoA One shot Two Shot

I don't mind, yeah

Gugudan The Boots
CLC Black Dress
Weki Meki I don't like you girlfriend
BlackPink Omona
Nenhuma das alternativas

Dance With my dress (Fácil, fácil.)

Nenhuma das alternativas
CLC Black Dress
Twice What is Love?
Red Velvet Bad boy

I Wanna Know

Red velvet Bad boy
Todas as alternativas tem essa frase
Twice Candy Pop
Momoland Bboom Bboom
Twice What is love?

Give it to you my

Todas as alternativas tem essa frase
Twice Likey
Nenhuma das alternativas
Momoland Bboom Bboom
Twice Heart Shaker

Take off Take off

Gugudan The Boots
BoA One shot Two Shot
Hyuna Lip & Hip
Todas as alternativas tem essa frase
Momoland Bboom Bbom

I don't know me either

Red Velvet Peek A Boo
Gugudan The Boots
Twice Likey
Todas as alternativas tem essa frase
JBJ My Flower

I'll be you

BTS Best of me
BTS Illegal
BTS Spring Day
Nenhuma das alternativas
BTS Pied Piper
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