One Direction: Você conhece a música pela letra?

One Direction: Você conhece a música pela letra?

Será que você conhece as músicas do 1D?

Imagem de perfil user: Heloisa Batista
Heloisa Batista


" Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone one else but you".

" Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone one else but you".

What Makes You Beautiful
" When I first saw you, from across the room, I could tell that you were curious ".

" When I first saw you, from across the room, I could tell that you were curious ".

Night Changes
" I said, "Can you give it back to me?". She said, "Never in your wildest dreams".

" I said, "Can you give it back to me?". She said, "Never in your wildest dreams".

Best Song Ever
Kiss You
"  I've got fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark. You've never seen it look so easy ".

" I've got fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark. You've never seen it look so easy ".

Drag Me Down
" I know you said. That you don't like it complicated. That we should try to keep it simple. But love is never ever simple, no ooh ".

" I know you said. That you don't like it complicated. That we should try to keep it simple. But love is never ever simple, no ooh ".

You & I
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