Você consegue adivinhar as músicas de After School Ep pela letra?

Você consegue adivinhar as músicas de After School Ep pela letra?

Quiz sobre as músicas de After School Ep (inclui os singles "Fire Drill" e "Copy Cat")

Imagem de perfil user: L ★
L ★
“Time you know just how I feel, since you threw me away forever
Time you start growing up, age is nothing if you're not evolved
Yeah I didn't have time for this, but I still gave you my all
I sacrificed blood for you, yeah I sacrificed blood”

“Time you know just how I feel, since you threw me away forever Time you start growing up, age is nothing if you're not evolved Yeah I didn't have time for this, but I still gave you my all I sacrificed blood for you, yeah I sacrificed blood”

Test me
“Help me when im too detached and cold
Give me the vitality that I need to trust love more
Blood to the water, neither can fuel us alone
Fervency in my arteries, passion blooming through my bones”

“Help me when im too detached and cold Give me the vitality that I need to trust love more Blood to the water, neither can fuel us alone Fervency in my arteries, passion blooming through my bones”

Brain & Heart
Fiel trip
“Im never gonna be what you had envisioned
You said "Blanquitas feel more latinas than you, ahora lo entiendes?"
You always say you're woke, its your Aesthetic
But is your empathy actually authentic, is it?”

“Im never gonna be what you had envisioned You said "Blanquitas feel more latinas than you, ahora lo entiendes?" You always say you're woke, its your Aesthetic But is your empathy actually authentic, is it?”

Field trip
Fire drill
“When my petty feet start to sway (sway)
You better turn around the other way (walk away)
When the doubts starts creepin' in (oh no)
It's hard to let go of old instinctual”

“When my petty feet start to sway (sway) You better turn around the other way (walk away) When the doubts starts creepin' in (oh no) It's hard to let go of old instinctual”

Field trip
“Not my first pick, but i'll do it
Make the cash right so I can move quick
Out this shit hole with a new whip
Cream on top and I'd aprove it”

“Not my first pick, but i'll do it Make the cash right so I can move quick Out this shit hole with a new whip Cream on top and I'd aprove it”

Copy cat
Test me
The bakery
“Take me to Venus, let me explode
Im ready to pop like a Vulcano
Jump over me like you're playing hot lava
Emotions on 100,000 ,who's gonna?
Shake me like soda cream, but of course
Use all your words to distract from the source”

“Take me to Venus, let me explode Im ready to pop like a Vulcano Jump over me like you're playing hot lava Emotions on 100,000 ,who's gonna? Shake me like soda cream, but of course Use all your words to distract from the source”

Field trip
“Born to be desired (oh oh)
Gotta learn, yeah, eyes are always on the next score
But space isn't always there to be filled up
It's the quiet, the downtime to breath in my lungs”

“Born to be desired (oh oh) Gotta learn, yeah, eyes are always on the next score But space isn't always there to be filled up It's the quiet, the downtime to breath in my lungs”

Copy cat
Test me
“Im bad at public speaking, but im speaking now so hear me out (Shut up!)
I personally belive that everyone is capable 
Of more of what they're doing
All of the bullying, all of the screwing around with people that they don't know (blablabla)”

“Im bad at public speaking, but im speaking now so hear me out (Shut up!) I personally belive that everyone is capable Of more of what they're doing All of the bullying, all of the screwing around with people that they don't know (blablabla)”

Fiel trip
Fire drill
Copy cat
“you want it for yourself
Feeding on misogyny
But still you call yourself a "feminista"
If that was really true, 
You wouldn't feel as if I were a current threat to you”

“you want it for yourself Feeding on misogyny But still you call yourself a "feminista" If that was really true, You wouldn't feel as if I were a current threat to you”

Fire drill
Copy cat
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