Você consegue adivinhar o significado das palavras em inglês?
Bem é a minha primeira vez fazendo isso então espero que vcs se divirtam
Viva sua vida ao máximo enquanto vc pode.
Live your life to the fullest while you can.
Live your life as you still can.
Live life as much as possible.
Sonhe sem medo, ame sem limite.
Dream out of fear, love with limit.
Dream in fear, love to the limit.
Dream without fear, love without limits.
Não desista do seus sonhos, continue dormindo.
Give up your dreams, and keep sleeping.
Run from your dreams, and keep sleeping.
Don't give up on your dreams, just keep sleeping.
O poder da imaginação nos torna infinitos.
The power of imagination makes is what makes infinity.
The power of imagination makes us infinity.
The power of imagination makes infinity.
O mundo é mudado pelo seu exemplo, não pela sua opinião
The world is changed by your example, not your oninion.
The world is not changed by your example, but by your opinion.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.