Você consegue reconhecer uma musica do Blackout pela letra?

Você consegue reconhecer uma musica do Blackout pela letra?

O album revolucionario de 2007 !

Imagem de perfil user: Camilo Mendes
Camilo Mendes


''That know how to take, take care of me, I'm so damn glad that's over''

''That know how to take, take care of me, I'm so damn glad that's over''

Piece of me
Toy soldier
Get naked
Perfect lover
''Take me high and just wipe away my fears, when you're with me oh boy, it's my heartbeat that i hear''

''Take me high and just wipe away my fears, when you're with me oh boy, it's my heartbeat that i hear''

Oh oh baby
Hot as ice
Gimme more
''Waking up and you're next to me, wrap me up in your arms and back to sleep''

''Waking up and you're next to me, wrap me up in your arms and back to sleep''

Break the ice
Heaven on earth
''My friends said you would play me, but I just said they're crazy''

''My friends said you would play me, but I just said they're crazy''

Perfect Lover
Piece of me
Get back
Why shouli be sad
''I thought you knew before, but if you don't then now you know''

''I thought you knew before, but if you don't then now you know''

Heaven o earth
Hot as ice
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