você conseque por favor hhgh

você conseque por favor hhgh

você vai aprender muito

Imagem de perfil user: Antonio F
Antonio F


pescador , enfermeira , piloto , escritora , lutador , veterinário , bombeiro , policial .

pescador , enfermeira , piloto , escritora , lutador , veterinário , bombeiro , policial .

fishermen , nurse , pilot , writer , wrestler , vet , firefighter , police
fishermen , nurse , piloto , wresstler , vet , firefigther , police

marque a correta

I´m going to be a
I´N GOing tyube a
I´n going to be a

marque a correta

I´m going to not be a
I´m not going to be a
I ´m noto going to be a

marque a correta

Yes , I am no No Im not
Yes , I am No , Im not
Yes ,I an No , i´m not

marque a resposta correta com ur or a

father nurse car
corr work world
narsa turtle father

fazer minha lição de casa , tomar banho , lique para um amigo , use a internet , escovar meu dente , comprar fruta

do my homework , take a shower , call a friend , use de internet , brush my teeth, buy fruit .
do my homework , take a shower , call a friend , use de internet , brush my teeth, buy food .
make my homework , take a shower , call a friend , use de internet , brush my teeth, buy fruit .

marque o correto

he´s going to she´s going to she isn´t going to he isn´t going to is he going to ? is she going to ? yes , he is yes , she is no , he isn´t no , she isn´t
he´s going to she´s going to she isn´t going to he isn´t going to is he going to ? is she going to ? yes , he is yes , she is no , he isn´t no , she isn
he´s going to she´s going to she isn´t going to he isn´t going to is he going to ? is she going to ? yes , he isn´t yes , she is no , he isn´t no , she isn´t
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