Você já aprendeu a usar o verbo to be no "simple present"

Você já aprendeu a usar o verbo to be no "simple present"
Vamos aprender brincando e brincar aprendendo sobre o uso correto desse verbo que é um dos mais usados na língua Inglesa. Let... Veja mais

De acordo com o que você estudou sobre o verbo "to be" é correto afirmar.

Usamos are com he, she , it/ am com I/ is com we, you, they
am, is pode ser usado sempre no plural
Usamos am com I/ Usamos is com he, she, it/ Usamos are comyou, we, they
Usamos am com I e you

Qual frase está corretamente grafada com o verbo 'to be'?

d) Denner and I are friends
a) Rich and I am friends
b)Your parents is your friends
c)Is you my friend?

A forma contracta correta do verbo to be está na alternativa

b) I'm / you' are / he'is / s'he's / the' re / it' is
c) I am / you are / he is / she is / they are / it is
a) I'm/ you're / he's / she's / they're / it's
d) I'm / you're / he'is / shes' / they're / its'

Marque a alternativa que contém um erro sobre o emprego do verbo to be

I'm not a doctor
I am a teacher
I am not a teacher
I' not a teacher

Marque a frase que responde corretamente a pergunta. Are you a good student?

Yes, I am
Yes, you are
Yes, I am not
No, I am

A frase: "Maria is my best friend" está represntada na alternativa.

He's my best friens
you're my best friend
we aren't best friend
She's my best friend

Diego, Carlos e Roger are brothers . É o mesmo que

You're brothers
He is brother
They're brothers
We are brothers

Maruqe a frase que responde a pergunta. Is Robert a vet?

Yes, he isn't
yes, he is
No, he is
Yes, Robert are

Marque a única frase grafada corretamente na forma negativa

Mag are not a bad girl
Mag not is a bad girl
Mag isn't a bad girl
Is Mag a bad girl?

Marque a alternativa que esta na forma interrogativa

Are Arlekina and Malévola big characters?
Arlekina and Malevola are big characters
Alerkina and Malévola aren't big charcters.

Responda corretamente. Am I a later?

Yes, you aren't
Yes, you are
No, I am not
No, you are

A frase You aren't my new friend é a mesma

you not are my new friend
You are not my new friend
he is not my new friend
Are you not my new friend?

Am está para I, assim como are está para...

I, you, they
he, she, it
he, she , you
you, we, they
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