Você sabe da vida de Leonardo da Vinci
Saiba quem ele foi, não deixe que o passado foque para trás.

Que dia Leonardo da Vinci nasceu?
Born: April 15, 1452 in Anchiano, Italy
Born: April 15, 1452 in Anchiano, China

A onde ele estudou?
Where did Leonard go to school?
Originally from New Jersey, Leonard attended Princeton University
He never studied, he was always too smart to enter a university.

Qual é o nome do pai dele?
Leonardo da Vinci's father's name was Pedro Alves Cabral. He was a notary and played an important role in Leonardo's life, although the artist was raised primarily by his mother and grandmother.
Leonardo da Vinci's father's name was Piero da Vinci. He was a notary and played an important role in Leonardo's life, although the artist was raised mainly by his mother and grandparents.

Cite duas obras importantes que Leonardo da Vinci criou:
Mona Lisa e calculator
The painting the starry sky and flying machine

Quando ele faleceu?
Died: August 2, 1519, Clos luce, amblose
Died: May 2, 1519, Clos luce, amblose

O que achou do quiz do Leonardo?
I really liked it, I found it very fun.
I didn't like it, I found it boring.

Quem foi Leonardo da Vinci?
Leonardo da Vinci is recognized as one of the great names of the Renaissance period, as he demonstrated enormous versatility, being a great intellectual who had extensive knowledge about
He was a very bad guy, he mistreated people and was very stupid at school. He had no importance to us.