Você Sabe Mesmo Sobre o Comparativo de Superioridade e o Superlativo de Superioridade em Inglês?

Você Sabe Mesmo Sobre o Comparativo de Superioridade e o Superlativo de Superioridade em Inglês?

Assinale as alternativas corretas de acordo com as regras do Inglês. Alunos do 8º ano- F.E.T. Ana Vitória F. Campetti Eloah Cardoso Maria Fernanda Galego Márcio Henrique Maria Laura Moreale Mariana Martins Profª Cristiane- Inglês

Imagem de perfil user: Ana Vitória Campetti


Rio de Janeiro is __________ visited city in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro is __________ visited city in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro is as visited as city in Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro is more visited than city in Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro is as visitest as city in Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro is the visitedest city in Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro is the most visited city in Brazil.
The cheetah is _________ animal in Brazil (fast).

The cheetah is _________ animal in Brazil (fast).

The cheetah is the most fast animal in Brazil.
The cheetah is the fastest animal in Brazil.
The cheetah is the faster than animal in Brazil.
The cheetah is more faster than animal in Brazil.
The cheetah is more fast than animal in Brazil.
Rice is one of the _________ foods in Brazil. (Consumed)

Rice is one of the _________ foods in Brazil. (Consumed)

Rice is one of the consumer than foods in Brazil.
Rice is one of the consumedest foods in Brazil.
Rice is one of is as consumed as foods in Brazil.
Rice is one of the most consumer than foods in Brazil.
Rice is one of the most consumed foods in Brazil.
The Rio Paraná is ________ the Rio Amazonas (Large)

The Rio Paraná is ________ the Rio Amazonas (Large)

The Rio Paraná is the most large the Rio Amazonas.
The Rio Paraná is as large as the Rio Amazonas.
The Rio Paraná is larger than the Rio Amazonas.
The Rio Paraná is more large than the Rio Amazonas.
The Rio Paraná is more larger than the Rio Amazonas.
The Caatinga is _______ the Cerrado (Dry)

The Caatinga is _______ the Cerrado (Dry)

The Caatinga is as dry as the Cerrado.
The Caatinga is drier than the Cerrado.
The Caatinga is more dry than the Cerrado.
The Caatinga is the most drier the Cerrado.
The Caatinga is the most dry the Cerrado.
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