Was were quiz boys and girls

Was were quiz boys and girls

Trio GMN Geovana, Maria Clara e Nicole.

Imagem de perfil user: Maria clara Luiz lima

What's in the gift? (girls)

Is she at to school?
was she up to school?

What's in the past? (boys)

Am i late?
Was i late?

Qual é a frase certa ? ( girls)

Will travel you vocation
You will travel on vocation
Vocation travel on you will

Qual a frase certa? (boys)

How was the trip
How the trip was
Was How the trip

which one is right (girls)

We are lost
Were happening?
We is a place

which one is right (boys)

My house is ar my aunt's
My aunt is at my house
My hous was at my aunts
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