Quiz: Waste, Recycling, and Sustainability

Quiz: Waste, Recycling, and Sustainability

Many everyday cleaning products and cosmetics contain chemical substances that can negatively impact both our health and the environment. It's essential to understand how these substances work, where they come from, and what safer alternatives are available. This quiz will help raise awareness about the potential risks of using conventional products and explore ecological options that promote a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner planet. Let’s dive into understanding these topics and discover how small changes can make a big difference!

Imagem de perfil user: Denise Arakaki
Denise Arakaki



1. What is recyclable waste?

Food scraps.
Waste that cannot be reused.
Waste that can be transformed into new products.
Any type of waste.

2. What is non-recyclable waste?

Organic waste that decomposes easily.
Electronic waste.
Materials that can be reused.
Materials that cannot be processed into new products.

3. What is considered organic waste?

Recyclable metals.
Glass materials.
Plastic waste.
Food scraps, leaves, and materials that naturally decompose.

4. Is all recyclable waste actually recycled?

Yes, but only if it’s plastic.
No, because all countries prohibit recycling.
Yes, 100% of recyclable waste is always recycled.
Not always, it depends on several factors like correct sorting and available infrastructure.

5. What are sustainable alternatives to traditional waste disposal?

Reusing, composting, and proper recycling.
Dumping in the ocean.
Burying the waste.
Burning all types of waste.

6. What are the environmental impacts of the production and disposal of non-recyclable materials?

They help reduce pollution.
They make the air cleaner.
They have no impact.
They increase soil, water, and air pollution and contribute to global warming.

7. Are there sustainable options to replace non-recyclable materials?

No, the only sustainable material is plastic.
No, all non-recyclable materials are irreplaceable.
Yes, but only for metals.
Yes, such as using biodegradable and reusable materials.

8. What is the responsibility of companies in the production and disposal of waste?

Companies should adopt sustainable production practices and promote recycling and reuse.
None, the consumer is solely responsible.
Companies have no control over the disposal of their products.
Only governments are responsible.

9. What measures can companies take to reduce their environmental impact?

Export waste to other countries.
Implement recycling programs, reduce plastic usage, and adopt sustainable packaging.
Encourage the use of disposable products.
Continue using non-recyclable materials.
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