What do you know about the use of drugs?

What do you know about the use of drugs?

Remember that the effects of these medications can make really big consequences to your body and lifestyle, so if you have any type contact, search for what to do or ask an grown up what to do, always stay protected hope you like it!

Imagem de perfil user: Julia Saraiva Barros



What are the effects drugs can do in your body and life?

Fake feeling of relaxing, tiring, problems to sleep, addiction, avoid contact with other people, worse financial problems and is the best for your emotional health
Taking part in risky behaviours, reduced appetite, problems with the family, Cognitive/memory problems and brain damage

How should people react to finding a person who use this type of things?

Make sure they're embarresed of what they did and expell them of your house, so they could fell humbled and stop using it
You should help her and make sure to take that person in a hospital to check if Everything is working and send her for theraphy for recuperation after such use of this medicament make sure that person isnt addicted to drugs anymore

What kind of medications are considered drugs?

Ayahuasca, Cannabis, Cocaine, Fentanyl, GHB and Hallucinogens
all the medications are some type of drug, even if it is used in few quantity, and all are illegal

If there's somone who is peered by friends to use drugs, what you should say to this person?

Understand their side but never taking back how unhealthy this habits can affect in their life
List the problems it could cause to their body and tell them to find new friends who are better influences

What are the places people with this type of drug addiction should visit?

Probaly clinics of reabilitation and sometimes, depanding how much this person is addicted, go to a theraphist
Since this person is probaly insane, let them in the street, where they belong all the time
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