What to take for vacation? (objects)

What to take for vacation? (objects)

instructions: 10 questions will appear about objects taken on trips Only one correct alternative per question! Let's increase our vocabulary? Good luck guys!

Imagem de perfil user: Andressa Lo
Andressa Lo


What object can I take on my future trip with my family for the beach?

What object can I take on my future trip with my family for the beach?

My bed
Glasses of sun
What object I can taking a business trip?

What object I can taking a business trip?

My computer
My favorite game
What objects can I take on a trip with my bests?

What objects can I take on a trip with my bests?

A camera to take photos of us
My paper and my pen
Our families
What object can I not take on a trip in the snow?

What object can I not take on a trip in the snow?

A ball for the beach
My new jacket
What object can I take on a trip with my class?

What object can I take on a trip with my class?

My knife
My spoon
My duvet
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