Which one or which ones?

Which one or which ones?

find the correct feito por ange e vivis

Imagem de perfil user: Ange Garcia ϟ
Ange Garcia ϟ


which one or which ones?

which one or which ones?

which ones
which one
which one or which ones?

which one or which ones?

which ones
which one
Which one or which ones?

Which one or which ones?

which ones
which one
Which one or which ones?

Which one or which ones?

which ones
which one
I dont want the green apples I want the red apples

I dont want the green apples I want the red apples

I dont want the green apples I want the red one
I dont want the green apples I want the red ones
Those green vegetables are good.
This red vegetable here is horrible
Dont eat the red_____
Eat the green______

Those green vegetables are good. This red vegetable here is horrible COMPLETE Dont eat the red_____ Eat the green______

Dont eat the red ones Eat the green one
Dont eat the red one Eat the green ones
This yellow car is good.
This blue car here is horrible
Dont play with the blue_____
Play with the yellow______

This yellow car is good. This blue car here is horrible COMPLETE Dont play with the blue_____ Play with the yellow______

Dont play with the blue one Play with the yellow one
Dont play with the blue ones Play with the yellow one
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