Would you survive China?

Would you survive China?

This is a Sesi activity of english

Imagem de perfil user: Um babaca com um canal
How to thank someone in the restaurant?

How to thank someone in the restaurant?

Tap your fingers gently on the table
Say "Thank you"
Nod with your head
Where you should put your hashi's?

Where you should put your hashi's?

On the table
Inside the bowl with the food
Above the bowl
What you do when you met someone on china informaly?

What you do when you met someone on china informaly?

You hug
You handshake
You bow
You dont see a "not allowed alchool and cigarettes" sign, so you can...

You dont see a "not allowed alchool and cigarettes" sign, so you can...

Drink alchool and smoke
Mind your own business to not get a hashi inside your skull
What is the most famous sauce in china?

What is the most famous sauce in china?

Where do bells belong?

Where do bells belong?

At the kitchen
At your mom bedroom
At Funerals
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