You know about multiple intelligences?

You know about multiple intelligences?

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What is the intelligence that has to have rhythm, melody?

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Bodily Kinesthetic
Naturalistic inteligence
Musical intelligences

The sentence “Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence no involves coordination” is corect?


What is naturalistic intelligence?

It's the intelligence that you do exercise
It's the intelligence that you connect with nature

How would a person with high kinesthetic-body intelligence probably learn better?

Listening to detailed explanations of a topic
Attending theoretical classes and reading books
Performing practical activities, experiments or games that involve movement
Discuss abstract philosophical theories

A person with high musical intelligence is more likely to:

Create or play songs and distinguish different notes, rhythms and tones
Solve complex math problems without difficulty
Participate in philosophical debates and discussions
Write long texts or poems

What activity would be easier for someone with high logical-mathematical intelligence?

Solve complex puzzles and logic problems
Dance a choreography with rhythm
Sing a melody of memory
Identify plants and animals in nature

A person with high naturalistic intelligence would be more interested in:

Study fauna and flora, observe animal behavior or identify types of plants
Compose and play songs
Discuss abstract philosophical theories
Solve complex mathematical problems

Which of these activities is most likely to be easily performed by someone with high logical-mathematical intelligence?

Create a dance choreography for a presentation
Organize a group musical presentation
Write a novel with an engaging plot
Solve abstract problems involving numbers and logical patterns
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