You take care of nature

You take care of nature

This is a questionnaire in relation to the care that the human being needs to have with nature

Imagem de perfil user: Luiz BR55

Luiz BR55


if pollution and deforestation ended, would the world be a better place?


What are some ways people can use social media to raise awareness about environmental issues?

create programs to raise awareness about caring for nature.
start consuming over-industrialized products without any control.

How can social media platforms contribute to environmental sustainability?

Social media platforms can contribute to environmental sustainability by promoting online communication and collaboration, reducing the need for physical meetings.
spread disinformation about care and promote anti-ecological activities.

In what ways can social media influencers help promote sustainable living?

promote the use of cleaning beauty products among others that harm nature.
Social media influencers have the power to reach a large audience and can use their platforms to promote sustainable living practices.

How can social media users contribute to the protection of the environment on a daily basis?

Social media users can contribute to the protection of the environment by sharing environmentally friendly tips and practices.
They can throw garbage on the ground, pollute rivers and seas, burn forests and kill animals.

What are some ways people can use social media to raise awareness about environmental issues?

they can use the networks to create trends that harm the environment, such as spreading toxic paint in some forest thus infecting and killing all the local fauna.
People can use social media to share informative posts and articles about environmental issues, organize online campaigns and petitions, and create impactful videos to raise awareness.

Are animals the biggest targets of deforestation caused by humans?

Animals are often targeted by humans for various reasons, such as trophy hunting, animal agriculture, illegal wildlife trade, and habitat loss. However, it depends on the context and region.
Animals are not affected by deforestation because they are self sufficient and are not affected by human actions.
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