Are you a minimalist person?

Are you a minimalist person?

Have you ever hard about minimalism as as lifestyle? Minimalism as lifestyle can be described as you just keep what really matters, without accumulating things that are useless, with that in mind we are going to show hypothetical situations and show how we can implement minimalism in our daily lives.


Imagine you are at the mall and see a clothing store doing a big promotion on clothes that are cheap and you think they are very pretty, would you buy it?

Yes, but I'm only going to buy them because I thought they were pretty and cheap.
Yes, but I'm only going to buy it because I really need new clothes
I wouldn't buy

Imagine another situation, you are walking down the street and you see a home decoration store on sale, they are frivolous things but you think they are very beautiful, would you buy them?

Yes, I would buy
No, I wouldn't buy it

Do you prefer owning fewer items that serve multiple purposes rather than having many single-use items?

many disposable items
fewer items that serve multiple purposes

Do you regularly review and reduce your commitments and activities to focus on what’s most important to you?


Do you often seek to reduce distractions and noise in your daily life to focus on mindfulness and presence?


You are in a store, and you see a beautiful glass cup for sale. You already have glasses in your house, do you buy the cup, or just keep using the ones that you have?

I would buy the cup
I would continue using the glasses I have

You want a new television. You go to a store and see a good-sized television for one price, and a larger one for twice the price. You buy the bigger television, even if you can use the small as well?


A new model of cellphone has been released. Do you feel the need to buy the latest model immediately or do you only replace your phone when the current one doesn't work anymore?

I feel like I need to buy the latest model right away
I only replace my phone when the current one doesn´t work anymore

You are redecorating your house. Do you prefer to keep the decor simple, buying only essential furniture and items, or do you like to fill the space with various decorative items?

Keep the decor simple
Fill the space with various decorative items

You are shopping, when suddenly you see a beautiful gold watch. It's expensive, and you already have one watch. Do you buy the gold one becouse it's beautiful, or just keep using the one that you have?

I would continue using the one I have
I would buy the golden one
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