Are you money smart or money silly?

Are you money smart or money silly?

Do you buy things crazily or do you use your money wisely? Let´s figure it out!

Imagem de perfil user: Analu Ferreira

Analu Ferreira



Your wallet is empty. Why is that?

You went out on the weekend and spend all of your money.
You try not to carry cash so you don´t spend it on unnecessary things.

If you have a 10% discount to pay in cash, but you don´t have money:

You pay with your credit card.
Wait until you get the money to pay in cash.

Which is the best deal?

30% off.
50% free.

What do you do with your loose change?

I usually lose it around the house.
I save it all in a jar.

If you really want something, but don´t have enough money, what do you do?

Borrow money and buy it anyway! (I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it)
Wait until I have enough money to buy it
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