Who are you on Black Friday?
Are you a money-conscious, a stingy or spender person? Take the quiz to find out.

When you see the word SALE...
I don't even look at the sign. The discount is bigger if you don't buy anything.
I try to remember if I need anything from that shop.
I splash out and buy things without any second thoughts.

My credit card bill...
Credit cards are a drain to finances, I don't have one.
Is under control, with some occasional slips.
Is making me drown in debt.

At the end of the month...
I don't care what you're selling, I'm not buying it.
I sometimes have already run out of money by the 15th.
I hardly manage to stay afloat. I spend money like water.

My Christmas bonus...
I save and invest. Everybody gets a pair of socks for Christmas.
I use to pay 2 instalments of my house (or car).
I spend til the bottom dollar and usually am in the red in January.

If really want something which I can't afford...
I feel glad I saved money.
I purchase a similar product at a lower price.
I borrow from friends (and don't usually pay back), get a loan, or max out my credit card.