
You saw a really beautiful shoes of your favorite brand on sale. What do you do?
You buy it immediately and use it in your next event.
You think twice and choose save money to buy it in another opportunity.
You pass through the store and keep repeating that those shoes are not for you.

About your expenses, you:
Plan how you will spend your money trying to find the best way to save a part of it to invest.
You don't worry about the future because you think that the moment is what matters.
Try to save as much money as you can to have a thrift.

You need to buy a television, you:
Go to the first store and buy that one you liked independently of your economic situation.
Search for days what is the best way, price and quality before buy it.
Save the money you would spend on it and convince yourself that you don't need it.

You have been waiting for months the premiere of your favorite film's sequel in the movies. Which alternative best describes you?
You don't worry because you saved money enough for this event.
You spend the money that was supposed to pay the water bill to watch the film.
You wait until the movie goes to a pirate website, watch every advertisement, to finally watch the movie for free.

When you are paying for something, you:
Prefer to wait until you have money enough to buy it in sight.
Don't mind if you have to pay in installments many times.
Analyse what is the best option to pay the lowest price in your situation.