Are you ready to be a parent?

Are you ready to be a parent?

Raising healthy Children: Culminating assignment By: Giulia Muniz clic in the blue button to start!

Imagem de perfil user: Giulia Muniz Moraes



IMPORTANT Introduction: Being a parent is not easy, and is a full time job. Before deciding to become a parent, you must consider some factors, as if you have enough money to raise this child? Or is your physical AND mental health good? do you feel ready to take care of a baby? is your timetable free to go fulfil whatever this kid needs at that moment? do you like kids? All of these factors are extremely important when deciding to be a parent. So here's a quiz to help you to make that decision. How the quiz works: - Click on one of the options below to start - To answer the questions, click on the alternative that you most relate to - The questions will automatically show the final result at the end of the quiz


1) Do you like kids?

Yes, I love them!
my partner likes them.
Not really.

2) Are you in good physical health?

Yes, my health is one of my priorities
I have a balanced health
No. I have serious problems, I take medications almost every day, and went many times to the hospital.

3) How old are you?

15 - 19
20 - 25
26 - 30
31 - 39
40 - 49
50 +

4) Are you good at communicating?

only when it's about others feelings
only when it's about me

5) Are you ready to change you're schedule to feel the needs of the child?

it's complicated, but I can manage

6) Have you considered your child's education?

my partner have

7) is your house appropriated to a child?

yes, there's room enough and no furniture that can possibly hurt them
no, my house is small, and the furniture is risky for the kid
my house has enough room, but the furniture is not appropriated
my furniture is ok, but my house is not big enough to support a child

8) Is your partner also ready?

yes we both are!
no, but I am
My partner is working on it

9) Are you ready to sacrifice sleep nights to take care of the baby?

yes, I am
no, I really need my sleep
maybe, depends on the situation

10) Do you have someone to help when you can't stay with the child for some reason/emergency, like friends and family?

yes, I do
no, it's only me and my partner
yes, but only a few

11) Are you financially prepared for the coast of raising a chield?


12) is your relationship with your partner solid?

yes, indeed
we've been fighting recently
not really

13) You and your partner are not going to spend time together the way you two do now in order to take care of the child. Are you ok with that?

yes, it's sad but necessary. And it won't change my relation with my partner
no, I'm afraid this will ruin our relationship

14) Are you an organized person?

yes, my house is always clean and organized
No, I can be pretty messy sometimes
Not always, but yes

15) Have you considered how much coast a babysitter in case you need one?

no, that haven't cross my mind
It's in my "to-do list"
yes, I did

16) Do you feel obligated somehow or pressured to have this baby? ex: family matter

no, I really want the baby
yes, the idea of me having a kid came from others in the beginning.
not exactly

17) Are you in good mental health

yes! I'm very happy lately :)
mental health? It's that a college? (in short, no I'm not)
yeah, I'm good

18) Do you understand that your child is going to be a unique person, and that you must support and accept them for who they will be?

yes! I'll love my kid unconditionally
no. if they're not the way I know is the right way, then they're not my child (ex: change to another religion)
yes, but with some exceptions

19) Do you think having a baby will prevent an eminent end of your relationship?

yes, having a baby will bring us together :)
no, if that's the case it'll only make it worst!

20) Do you have an extra room in your house for the kid or you'll have to move?

No, moving to a new house will be necessary, but that's not a problem
yes, I have an extra room
I live with my parents
I don't have a extra room, but it's possible to manage a place for the baby for now
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