Do you have an international personality?

Do you have an international personality?

Are you open-minded, adaptable, and eager to embrace new experiences?

Imagem de perfil user: TEPED BSE



You're invited to a potluck dinner with international colleagues. You're unfamiliar with most of the dishes. What do you do?

You're invited to a potluck dinner with international colleagues. You're unfamiliar with most of the dishes. What do you do?

Stick to what you know and avoid trying anything new.
Sample a bit of everything, even the unfamiliar dishes.
Ask your colleagues about their dishes and politely decline some if they don't sound appealing.
You're traveling abroad and encounter a cultural misunderstanding. How do you react?

You're traveling abroad and encounter a cultural misunderstanding. How do you react?

Get frustrated and insist on things being done your way.
Try to calmly understand the situation and adapt to the local custom.
Withdraw and avoid interacting further with the people involved.
You're on a vídeo call with international clients. How do you approach communication?

You're on a vídeo call with international clients. How do you approach communication?

Speak quickly and directly, assuming everyone understands your pace and humor.
Be mindful of pauses for translation and ask for clarification if needed.
Use simple language and avoid slang or jokes that might not translate well.
You find yourself lost in a foreign city.  What's your first step?

You find yourself lost in a foreign city. What's your first step?

Panic and call someone back home for help.
Try to stay calm and use your phone's map app to find your way back.
Ask a local for directions, politely explaining your situation.
How comfortable are you with social situations in different cultures?

How comfortable are you with social situations in different cultures?

I only feel comfortable interacting with people from similar backgrounds.
I can adapt my communication style somewhat, but unfamiliar social norms make me nervous.
I enjoy meeting new people and learning about different social customs.
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