What's your level of cross-cultural understanding?
Do you possess a deep appreciation for diverse cultures and customs?

How do you view cultural differences?
As obstacles that make communication and interaction difficult.
As interesting variations, but ultimately, people are mostly the same everywhere.
As valuable opportunities to learn and broaden one's perspective.

How well do you understand nonverbal communication cues from different cultures?
I primarily rely on spoken words and often miss nonverbal cues.
I'm somewhat aware of different nonverbal cues, but can misinterpret them at times.
I'm attentive to nonverbal cues and can usually interpret them correctly across cultures.

Are you familiar with the main holidays and traditions celebrated in different parts of the world?
I'm only familiar with the holidays and traditions of my own culture.
I have some basic knowledge of holidays celebrated in other cultures, but I'm always eager to learn more.
I'm well-versed in major holidays and traditions from around the globe, and I enjoy participating in them whenever possible.

How do you approach interactions with people from different cultures?
I tend to stick with people from similar backgrounds and avoid interacting with those who seem too different.
I'm open to interacting with people from different cultures, but I might feel hesitant or unsure of how to connect.
I actively seek out opportunities to interact with people from different cultures and enjoy learning from their perspectives.

How do you perceive cultural stereotypes and generalizations?
I rely on stereotypes and generalizations to form my opinions about different cultures.
I recognize the existence of stereotypes, but I am cautious about applying them to individuals.
I understand that stereotypes are oversimplifications and avoid using them to judge individuals or cultures.