Find the ideal exchange program for you!
Do the test to find out the right type of an exchange program for you.

What is your age group?
14 - 18-years-old
19 - 22-years-old
23 - 26-years-old
27-years-old and plus

What do you expect from an exchange program?
Have the opportunity to speak and learn English with native speakers
Become fluent in English
Improve the English level
To meet other country and culture

How much time are you willing to spend living abroad?
About four weeks
At least two weeks
More than a month
How long does it take to become fluent

How do you prefer to learn English?
With a particular teacher to help me and to correct me when necessary
By myself
In a class, with a teacher and others who want to learn English, so everybody can help each other
With movies, songs and series

Would you like to work during the exchange program?
Why not?
Yes, but with my own profession
Yes, with everything I could
No, just study

Which experience would you like most during the exchange program?
Visit the touristic points and historical places
Eat different kinds of food and know a lot of restaurants
Skiing and snowboarding
Go to a lot of cultural places, like a theater, the movies or watch a game

How would you like to feel after the exchange program and the experience of living in another country?
Happy for improve the English level and be succeed in speaking with others
Accomplished for meet other culture
Fluent and with a gain in the resume
Happy and thankful for meet people from different countries and have a great level of English