What kind of exchange student are you?

What kind of exchange student are you?

Tell us a little more about yourself and find out what kind of exchange student you are!

Imagem de perfil user: Speekrs Marketing


1 - My main objective is:

1 - My main objective is:

Improve my resume
Have life experience
Meet other countries and cultures
Work and study
2 - I want to go to a country...

2 - I want to go to a country...

Where I could work legally
Exotic and friendly
With a lot of Nobel Prizes
With a lot of beautiful places and postal cards
3 - When I am not studying I want to...

3 - When I am not studying I want to...

Walk, go shopping and go to parties
Studying is the priority
Be part of an NGO
Try to find a job
4 - I want to come back to Brazil with my luggage full of :

4 - I want to come back to Brazil with my luggage full of :

Pictures with new friends
Stories to tell
Professional contacts
5 - After the exchange you are going to...

5 - After the exchange you are going to...

Get a degree
Do another exchange in a different country
Grown in my professional career
Create an NGO
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