Fursona Personality Test

Fursona Personality Test

Here's a personality quiz for you to know more about yourself and your fursona.

Imagem de perfil user: Dyn Hoyw

Dyn Hoyw

"Splash time"

Imagine your fursona playing in the lake. As they jump into the water...

"Splash time" Imagine your fursona playing in the lake. As they jump into the water...

...their fur becomes saturated with the refreshing coolness of the lake.
...their fur glitter and shimmer with the sunlight.
...their fur fluffs up and spread out with the water around them.
...their fur instantly becomes matted and tangled.
...their fur creates a huge splash which ripples outwards to the lake.
"It's pizza time!"

It's saturday morning, your day off from work and you've ordered a pizza a really long while ago. After a knock on the door, the delivery guy finally shows himself. You react with:

"It's pizza time!" It's saturday morning, your day off from work and you've ordered a pizza a really long while ago. After a knock on the door, the delivery guy finally shows himself. You react with:

excitement, eager to finally indulge in the cheesy, delicious pizza.
relief, grateful that the pizza has finally arrived after all this time.
irritation, frustrated that the delivery guy took so much time.
surprise, as you have completely forgotten about the pizza delivery.
confusion, as the pizza delivered wasn't what you've ordered.
"Tinder moment"

How would you search for a mating partner?

"Tinder moment" How would you search for a mating partner?

I'd search for the most sexually inducing animal around.
I'd search for the strongest animal around.
I'd search for my soulmate.
I'd take the most deserving one.
I'd mate with everyone for my species to thrive.
"Here's your cappuccino"

Inside the local cafe, you:

"Here's your cappuccino" Inside the local cafe, you:

are sitting near the window, simply enjoying a hot cup of joe.
are observing the other, local people chatting and conversating.
are talking with the staff or a friend while waiting for your drink.
are angrily tapping your finger on the table, trying to cool off from work.
are enjoying a time alone, working in your notebook as a freelancer.
"Lunch time"

The bell just rang, now it's time for lunch. Today, you brought a:

"Lunch time" The bell just rang, now it's time for lunch. Today, you brought a:

a simple, calm, yet tasty homemade dish, such as a sandwich or salad.
a sweet meal, such as a fruit salad or a bread pudding.
an instant and fast meal, such as a hot pocket or mac & cheese.
an energizing and boosting meal, such as an oatmeal or a fatty tuna.
an easily-digestible meal, such as a soup or toast with spread.
"Can a loc come up in yo crib?"

You've just entered a fight, and it doesn't matter whether you started it or not. In this situation, you:

"Can a loc come up in yo crib?" You've just entered a fight, and it doesn't matter whether you started it or not. In this situation, you:

try to keep calm, using your rationality to disarm the situation.
separate the conflicting people, forcing them to use rational arguments instead of fighting.
become agitated and worked up and act impulsively, purely by instinct.
evacuate the scene with your closed ones in a dismissive manner.
take a neutral position, unassuming to the aggressive people's words.
"Steamin' bloody jesus..."

You are the first person to step on the Moon after more than half a century. You turn your head up to look at Earth,:

"Steamin' bloody jesus..." You are the first person to step on the Moon after more than half a century. You turn your head up to look at Earth,:

feeling a sense of awe and admiration at the sight of the blue planet.
feeling a surge of pride and accomplishment from your feat.
feeling a sense of perspective and humility over the unmatched cosmos.
feeling a profound sense of loneliness and isolation.
feeling a sense of curiosity and shock from the true scale of the world.
"Pet adopting"

You just entered an animal shelter looking for a pet to keep. You walk and walk, eventually picking the:

"Pet adopting" You just entered an animal shelter looking for a pet to keep. You walk and walk, eventually picking the:

most adorable and cutest feline you've ever seen.
most easy-going and chill rodent.
gentlest and sweetest dog in the whole shelter.
most energetic and playful animal around.
shyest, most timid one you could find.
"Take the hit, 47."

You're a sniper observing from afar a nightclub which hosts five highly wanted criminals. They are about to leave, so you have time for only one shot. Which one do you pick?

"Take the hit, 47." You're a sniper observing from afar a nightclub which hosts five highly wanted criminals. They are about to leave, so you have time for only one shot. Which one do you pick?

The notorious drug lord who has been responsible for countless deaths.
The corrupt politician who has embezzled millions of dollars from charity money.
The terrorist leader who has been responsible for multiple attacks in the neighboring country.
The human trafficker behind numerous kidnappings.
The cyber-criminal responsible for multiple privacy and data breaches.
"Break's over"

After a delicious and filling lunch, it's time to get back to work, and you decide to turn up a jam to relax while at it. You pick:

"Break's over" After a delicious and filling lunch, it's time to get back to work, and you decide to turn up a jam to relax while at it. You pick:

a catchy, vibey pop or funk song.
a chill, relaxing instrumental piece or lo-fi.
a classical and iconic rock or jazz music.
an upbeat electronic dance song.
a mellow and smooth R&B music.
"Time time!"

Compared to you, how old is your fursona?

"Time time!" Compared to you, how old is your fursona?

Same age as me.
Very much older than me.
Very much younger than me.
Not much older than me.
Not much younger than me.
"What would you like to order?"

After getting home, you realize there is nothing to eat. This situation gives you the idea of going out to eat, and you end up:

"What would you like to order?" After getting home, you realize there is nothing to eat. This situation gives you the idea of going out to eat, and you end up:

choosing your favorite fast food chain.
settling in the local dining restaurant.
passing by the convenience store to grab midnight snacks.
visiting the nearby bar.
ordering something online.
"The Art of Deep Phrases"

Which of these phrases best suits you or your fursona?

"The Art of Deep Phrases" Which of these phrases best suits you or your fursona?

'Embrace your inner wildness and let it guide you.'
'There's nothing more exhilarating than feeling the wind of freedom.'
'Life's too short to hesitate.'
'To know your enemy, you must first become your enemy.'
'Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.'
"Pay attention to the class!"

You just got caught talking with your classmates while the teacher was reviewing last week's material. They call your name out, and you:

"Pay attention to the class!" You just got caught talking with your classmates while the teacher was reviewing last week's material. They call your name out, and you:

feel a flush of embarrassment, being now the center of the attention.
feel a surge of frustration as the subject is not worthy of your attention.
resentfully turn to face them, to then continue the class.
merely ignore, continuing the talk with your classmates.
talk back to them, arguing that you weren't doing anything wrong.
"Democracy... or not"

In your opinion, who is worthy of being the leader of the jungle?

"Democracy... or not" In your opinion, who is worthy of being the leader of the jungle?

The fiercest and fittest animal.
The most astute and intelligent animal.
The most courageous and brave animal.
The most charismatic and appealing animal.
The most good-hearted and kindest animal.
"To do or to not do?"

Would you ever kill another animal?

"To do or to not do?" Would you ever kill another animal?

If needed.
It depends.
Of course.
I would need a really good reason for that.
"This will not be forgotten."

Put yourself in Lucifer's place for a moment. Yeah, the fallen angel. After being casted out of heaven and banished from there, you:

"This will not be forgotten." Put yourself in Lucifer's place for a moment. Yeah, the fallen angel. After being casted out of heaven and banished from there, you:

feel overwhelmed by anger and bitterness.
feel a deep sense of shame and self-loathing.
feel an insatiable need for revenge.
feel a sense of liberation and freedom.
feel a sense of righteous indignation from being treated unfairly.
"Don't stay away for too long - don't go to bed"

In your death bed, you have a dream. In your dying moments, you see:

"Don't stay away for too long - don't go to bed" In your death bed, you have a dream. In your dying moments, you see:

a beautiful garden filled with vibrant flowers and towering trees.
a vast expanse of stars and galaxies stretching out before you.
all the people you've loved and lost throughout your life.
a series of vivid memories from your life flashing before your eyes.
a blinding light emanating a serene, calm and tranquil aura.
"Would you like the left one or the right one?"

What kind of medieval/fantasy weapon would your fursona have?

"Would you like the left one or the right one?" What kind of medieval/fantasy weapon would your fursona have?

A blade made from a legendary material forged by professional blacksmiths.
Razor-sharp claws that are able to rend steel and shred enemies like paper.
A powerful staff or wand that could conjure various deadly elements.
A finely crafted rapier with intricate yet deadly design.
A rare grimoire containing countless secrets of magic and alchemy.
None. My fursona doesn't have a weapon.

Finally, pick the alignment that most represents your fursona.

"Alignment" Finally, pick the alignment that most represents your fursona.

Lawful good ~ Neutral good
Neutral good ~ Chaotic good
Lawful neutral ~ True neutral
True neutral ~ Chaotic neutral
Lawful evil ~ Neutral evil
Neutral evil ~ Chaotic evil
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