What headmate of the Daylight Sys should front rn?

What headmate of the Daylight Sys should front rn?

Don't take this if you're not the Daylight sys... duh...

Imagem de perfil user: lucartistic

Are you under stress right now? If so, how will you deal with it?

Well, I don't neeeed to deal with it, I'm pretty resistent.
I fight and I persist, never give up, always get reasonably mad about it.
I cry about it... I need to be held.
What do you mean? I feel fine.
I will journal and deal with my emotions responsibly.
Everyone around me will suffer.
I party! No one is sad after a party, right?
I'm not under stress.

How do you feel like dealing with others right now?

What others. Dealing with them? Wdym, no.
People should fear me.
Avoid or stay silent. They can't see me. I am a dead rat. Don’t come near.
I want them to notice me. I am so desperate.
Fuck them- I mean fuck me- I mean we should fuck- I mean.
I love people!!!! Socializing!!!!
Have meaningful and deep life conversations with them. Learn obscure secrets now.
Wtf. Get away from me.
Be normal about it.

What are you intending on doing today?

Drawing! (Personal art)
Drawing! (Commissions)
Creative writing!
Tumblr posting!
Socializing irl!
Socializing online!
Being at a stressful place

What is the outfit of today?

A pretty little dress.
Just a tee and jeans.
A spruced up masc outfit.
Fem, but not very dainty.
I'm in pajamas...

Do you feel inclined towards anyone?

Yes (frequent fronters)
Yes (not frequent fronters)
No (doesn't change shit)

Are you looking for a duo?


Will it affect who you choose if your boyfriend does not know the resultant person?

Yes (negatively)
Yes (positively)
He doesn’t care.

You're at your last question! Do you feel positive towards people who don't have set relationships yet?

I don't care either way!
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