How and how often do you spend your money
This quiz is a way to test your spending style and how you can improve it.So, depending on the answer you can be classified as an economist or a consumerist

If you won Mega Sena, how would you use your money?

I would save so I could spend in the future

I would spend as much as I could to enjoy
I never thought about it

How often do you spend on transport (whether public or not)
5 to 15 reais
I don't take public transport often

Do you tend to spend on things you like spontaneously or do you prefer to save money to spend later?
I prefer to save to spend later
I prefer to spend on things I like

Do you like to spend on expensive and fancy food or do you prefer to eat at cheaper places?
I like to eat expensive foods because they have more aesthetics and better quality
I like to eat cheaper foods because they are low cost, even if they don't have good aesthetics and whether they are tasty or not

Do you tend to spend money on fashionable clothes or do you prefer to wear low-cost clothes that suit you?
I prefer to wear expensive and fashionable clothes to enjoy the style
I prefer to wear cheap clothes or from unknown brands to save money but have some similar style.

As an estimate, how much do you spend in 1 month?
10 to 20 reais
20 to 30 reais
30 to 40 reais