How much money you spend when you go strolling with your friends?
A lot, more then 100 reals
Moderade, 60 reals
A few, 20 reals
Do you spend money in cosmetics?
A lot and sometimes is useless
Moderet and l use everything that l buy
A few, l even buy sometimes
What types of products are you influenced to buy
New cellphones,computers and a lot cosmetics
Buy food, clothes and a little more than necessary
Usually, foot, "basic" and clothes
What types of people do you hang out with?
people who go out a lot, like to the mall
people who like to go for walks on trails
people who like steying their house
Wich places you spend your money more?
At the shopping mail.
At a restaurant, like Crato Tennis Club.
At a Supermarket or in other commun places