how much of Eleanor Roosevelt do you have in yourself?

how much of Eleanor Roosevelt do you have in yourself?

good luck!! lets see if you would be a good First Lady!!

Imagem de perfil user: Pilar Xavier Lopes



As First Lady if you found out your husband was cheating on you what would you do?

Stay married, but only for political reasons.
Stay married, because you think he will change.
Ask for the divorce papers and run for president.
Run, leave all your obligations behind and marry a handsome and loyal man.

How would you respond if you saw someone being treated unfairly because of their race or gender ?

Speak up immediately and take action.
Try to help privately by telling your husband (the president) and wait for him to do something.
Acknowledge the problem, but doing nothing about it.
As the First Lady, how is that my problem?

If asked to give a speech on a cause you care about, how would you feel?

Anxious and would want to avoid it.
Great because I would be sharing my message and inspiring others.
I would do it, but I don't see the point of public speaking.
I would literally hide. And to be honest I don't care about any causes.

How strongly do you believe in equal rights for all people?

VERY STRONGLY. Besides, I actively work to make society fairer.
I mean... should men really have the same rights as women...?
I believe everyone should have the same rights, but I leave it to someone else more important to fight for them.
... I have

How likely are you to volunteer or give back to your community?

I would never volunteer. I don't have time or patience to worry about others. I am a lady!
I could give it a try.
I don't mind volunteering as long as it doesn't envolve getting dirty.
I would volunteer every day if I could. I think my community should have everything they deserve.
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