Quem você é em Dorian Gray?

Quem você é em Dorian Gray?

Nesse quiz você descobre qual personagem você seria em Dorian Gray.

Imagem de perfil user: LORENZO CAPORRINO



Do you believe that the search for beauty is more important than the search for knowledge and wisdom?

Yes, I think that focusing on beauty is more important than trying to gain knowledge and wisdom. Beauty can make our lives better and bring us lots of happiness and satisfaction.
No, I believe that looking for knowledge and wisdom is more important. Knowing more about the world and ourselves is really valuable.
No way! Choosing beauty instead of knowledge is shallow. Wisdom is what really counts.
I don't agree. Real love and meaningful relationships are much more important than just looking good.
I strongly disagree. Beauty doesn't last long, what really determines our future are the things we know and the power we have.
In life, it's important to prioritize what you know and learn. Taking care of your image is not as important as becoming a better and wiser person.

Would you sacrifice your own life to avenge the death of a loved member?

Yes, I would sacrifice my own life to avenge the death of a loved one
No, I prioritize my art over avenging anyone's death.
No, I prioritize my own life and appearance more than anything else.
No, I wouldn't get involved in those things to keep my image safe.
No, I think forgiving and moving on is important.
No, I wouldn't try to get back at someone.

Do you believe that true love can be harmed by some illusions and false appearances?

Yes, I believe that true love can be harmed by illusions and false appearances.
Tends to wonder if love really matters and might not believe it's influenced by false ideas.
Believes that real love goes beyond fake things and how people look, and values being true to who you really are inside.
Too focused on looks, doesn't think much about how fake appearances can affect love, cares more about how things look.
More focused on protecting themselves and keeping things private, less inclined to explore topics like love and fantasies.
Cares more about getting back at the person who caused his sister's death than thinking deeply about love and fancy stuff.

How do you influence those around you and what are your views on morality?

I inspire people with my art and try to balance my personal life with my work. My sense of right and wrong is mainly about love and seeing things as they really are.
I try to control things by keeping my secrets and reputation safe. Morality, for me, means dealing with tough moral choices and not getting in trouble for things I did before.
I think I can convince people with my words and make them want what I want. I don't always think about what's right or wrong, and I tell others to enjoy life and have fun.
I can make others do things by getting back at them if they hurt me. To me, being good means staying loyal and getting back at people who hurt my loved ones.
I'm easily affected by the people I'm with, and I really like things that are beautiful and fun.
I try to use my art to inspire people and show their true feelings. Being a good person to me means making art that's honest and full of emotion.

How do you handle the responsibility of creating works of art that reveal people's inner truth?

I don't mind showing deep feelings in my art, I like making simple and nice pictures.
Art distracts me from real love and doesn't belong in my life.
Art should only show my own feelings and opinions, not what other people think.
I take this job seriously and sincerely believe that art should show people's true feelings and thoughts.
Art doesn't interest me, I'm too busy protecting my secrets
I wouldn't even care about art, all I care about is getting back at someone.

How willing are you to protect your secrets and maintain your reputation?

Artistic expression should be more important than keeping secrets or worrying about what others think
I would do a lot to keep my secrets and reputation safe. Taking care of myself is really important to me.
I don't get why I should care about what people think of me or keeping my private stuff hidden. Life's too short to stress about these little things.
I would keep my secrets if I had to, but my main goal is to get back at someone for hurting someone I care about, not about what people think of me.
I don't understand why I should care about what others think of me or keeping my private stuff hidden. Life is too short to stress about these small things.
I care about my friendships more than keeping secrets or having a good image. Love and art are the things that are really important to me.
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