Which Character from "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Are You?

Which Character from "The Picture of Dorian Gray" Are You?

Answer the following questions to discover which character you would be in the universe of "The Picture of Dorian Gray".



You think you are:

A) - Inhospitable - Influential - Narcissistic - Manipulative
B) - Good - Cares about others - Empathetic - Helps people whenever possible
C) - Manipulative - Very clever - Sociable
D) - Innocent - Careful - Cares about people - Kind

In a relationship, you are:

A)The one who only cares about yourself, prioritizing your own well-being.
B)The one who tries to make the relationship work but ends up bearing the couple's burdens.
C)The one who would accept losing an argument to avoid losing your partner, easily manipulated.
D) The one who cares a lot about the other person in a good way.

Suppose you are dating an actor/actress who isn't very good at their job, you say:

A)That they are bad right to their face.
B) Change your opinion often and are manipulated regarding your opinion.
C) That they are good and will improve their skills over time.
D) You risk doing the performance yourself.

If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?

a) You would like to be forever young and beautiful.
b) You would like to be more talented in something or a hobby you love.
c) You would like to fix broken relationships.
d) You would like to have more knowledge and understanding.

How do you deal with aging?

A) You fear aging and losing all your beauty and youth.
B) Accept it well, believing that aging is a part of life.
C)You don't think about this subject.
D) You don't like aging, always prioritizing beauty and youth.

How do you handle the influence of others in your life?

A) I try to resist the influences of others and stay true to my own principles and thoughts.
B) I am very influenced by others and often get carried away by new ideas.
C) I am a great influencer, I like to shape others' opinions and make everything revolve around me.
D) I am very naive with people who don't wish me well, dreaming of a better world but sometimes too innocent.

What is most important to you?

A) Creating something beautiful and meaningful.
B) Staying forever young and beautiful.
C) Influencing people.
D) Living a great love story.

How do you handle problems?

A) I try to solve them calmly and efficiently.
B) I often avoid or deny them.
C) I observe and manipulate the situation to my advantage.
D) You are very emotional and sometimes feel overwhelmed.

How do you react to criticism?

a) I ignore it and follow my own convictions.
b) Criticism can be difficult, but I try to learn from it.
c) I feel hurt, but I try to improve.
d) Criticism hurts me deeply, especially when it comes from someone I love.

How do you view beauty?

a) The most important thing in life.
b) Inspiring, but the soul is what matters.
c) Something to be admired and preserved.
d) A form of art that can be used for good.

If you couldn't date for love, what would you choose:

A person with money
A person with beauty and a lot of money
A person who enchants you with their soul
If it's not for love, I wouldn't even consider dating
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