Which character from the universe of the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray" would you be?

Which character from the universe of the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray" would you be?

Which character from the universe of the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray" would you be? -Dorian Gray -Lord Henry -Basil Hallward -Sybil Vane

Imagem de perfil user: LAURA SANTOS MOURA



Do you think it is possible for someone to profoundly influence another person?

Yes, I believe influence can be powerful, but it should be used with responsibility and good intentions. True friendship and love can transform a person for the better.
Certainly! Influencing others is one of life's great pleasures. Shaping the mind is an art.
Yes, I believe a person can be deeply influenced by love and passion.

How do you view the process of aging?

Aging is a natural part of life. Each stage brings its own beauty.
Aging is a tragedy that should be avoided at all costs.

What do you believe is the true purpose of life?

Youth and Beuty.
Truth, the art, and love.
Seek pleasure and beauty, but now I am beginning to question this path.

im a bad person, because of my past actions?

No, just move on.
If you regret it, no.

if you have just met a person you never know, what did you do with this person?

I will trust her, and be inspired by her.
I will analyze this person.
I will fall in love with her.
I will make a beautiful art about the person, it will become my inspiration.

You think you are very easily manipulated?

Never, i'm smart enough to know if someone is trying to manipulate me.
Im young, so, I think I have a lot to learn yet. Maybe I can be easily manipulated because of my intenligence, maybe i'm innocent.
I can't even imagine it, but I think I can be easily manipulated, i'm very innocent.

What would you change in your past?

I wouldn't say such harsh and cold words to special people.
I wouldn't love too much.
I would prefer to sell my arts, then, I could be rich and get a grateful life.

Do you regret ending a relationship because the person desapointed you one time?

I feel sad after something bad happens, before something else, I feel angry and I think the person its wrong.
I feel angry and disappointed at the first time, but then, I feel sad and I want to make peace with him. I feel that I was wrong in the fight.
With no doubts, obviously it will be the person that did something wrong. I almost never fails, like, I know what I do.

The perfection is important for you?

That is a dumb question! Is obviously that perfection is important, it make you a better and a smart person.
I care so much about my beauty, so, I think the perfect must be in beauty. Everyone will love you and will want you.
I like to put perfection in what I do. In my profession, for example, I like to put the maximum perfection in what Im doing, indenpendent of what it is.
I think "perfection" doesnt exist, I just do my best.

Which description best applies to you?

Charismatic and charming, but superficial. You really like your appearance and value it.
Creative and sensitive, with an artistic mind.
Excited about life and thinks that love is above all.
Intelligent and cynical, with a taste for intellect.

What is your biggest fear?

Getting old and losing beauty.
Not being recognized for my talents.
Being alone for the rest of your life.

How do you deal with guilt?

I try to ignore it and move on.
I use art as a way to alleviate guilt.
I look for ways to redeem my mistakes.
I don't regret anything I do.
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