How to become legendary QUIZ

How to become legendary QUIZ

This quiz was designed to help you choose which course is most best for you now. So, when answering the questions, take your time and pick the answers that most represent your mental and emotional state today or in the last few days. Ps.: You can ask an adult to help you with difficult words.

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Teacher Tree



Which group of mythical creatures you find most interesting?

Merperson, Pegasus and Phoenix
Minotaur, Centaur and Medusa
Dragon, Unicorn and Elementals

Which of these situations have happened or have been happening to you lately and are really difficult to deal with?

I feel too tired. sad or weak and didn’t know what to do with myself.
I feel the world doesn’t understand or accept me.
I feel my daily routine is empty, I wish I was doing something with more meaning.

Which sentence represents you best?

I am kind and flexible
I am persistent and powerful.
I am part of something bigger than myself.

Which lessons would you benefit most from?

self-care, self-compassion and hope
self-awareness, assertive communication and ethics
self-responsibility, compassion and connecting with life around me

When do you feel best?

When I am in my own company creating projects, reading or playing.
When I am around friends and family, helping people or achieving something important.
When I am in nature, in silent places or in high places where I can see everything from above.

What upsets you most?

To feel small, stuck and sad
To witness injustice, mistakes and ignorance
Any type of violence, cruelty and selfishness

If you had the magical power to give one gift to the whole world, which of these would it be?

Creativity and freedom
Clarity and Courage
Compassion and Wisdom

How do your friends and family usually describe you?

Creative and Flexible
Brave and a Natural Leader
Wise and Kind
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