What metaphor you are?

What metaphor you are?

According to some characteristics of IB learner profile, you will discover which metaphor defines you.

Imagem de perfil user: Vitória Souza

Vitória Souza



When the teacher has just explained the subject...

I search more about it.
If I have doubts, I ask for the teacher.
I don’t want to know more about it.
I want to know more about it.
I keep my doubts to me.

During the classes, normally...

I add knowledge of others disciplines exploring more about this subject.
I confuse the thinking of others.
I contribute for the classes with my questions.
I keep my knowledge and watch the classes.
I don’t pay attention.

When I have a complex problem…

I seek for a new way, not always the best for me.
I act according my feelings at the moment.
I try to ignore my feelings.
I think about it in order to take a responsible action.
I become very anxious and desperate.

Most of the time...

I listen carefully and respectfully the opinions and perspectives of the others.
I am talkative and I hardly let others speak.
I speak in different ways to the others understand and I listen carefully to the perspectives of them.
I don't talk and listen with respect the opinion of people.
I express myself confidently and creatively, and listen the others but I don’t care about what they think.

My actions are based on:

Justice, respect and responsibility.
Anxiousness, emotions and selfishness.
Selfishness, determination and creative.
Emotions, indecision and empathy.
Responsibility, empathy and anxiousness.

About my homeworks and commitments ...

I fulfill each one doing my best and look for more about the matter for help my colleagues.
I don’t care about it and I don’t accomplish.
I care about it but I don’t have discipline for accomplish.
I don’t care about it but I do it by obligation.
I fulfill each one doing my best.

When I have a goal in which I need to undergo a lot of challenges and changes for achieve it...

I look for help and do what others tell me to do.
I complain about my problems.
I am resilient and explore new ideas to overcome this challenges and changes.
I give up.
I act without determination, but always I find one way to overcome this challenges and changes.

How often do I mix the different aspects of my live (intellectual, physical, and emotional)?

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