What metaphor describe you the best?

What metaphor describe you the best?

Through this teste, you'll be able to know which metaphor represents your personality.

Imagem de perfil user: Luma Coury
Luma Coury
When something that you were planning goes wrong, how do you react?

When something that you were planning goes wrong, how do you react?

I face the situation with determination, trying to resolve it in the better way possible.
I don't care, it happens all the time, anyway.
I stay calm and solve it.
I would loose my mind, I never think of a plan B.
What word would be more appropiate to describe you?

What word would be more appropiate to describe you?

In most time, you walk...

In most time, you walk...

Slowly and calm
Paying attention in every detail in the street, very calm
Very fast, not caring about rules to cross the street and these things
Thinking of the worse, I take all care that I can
When you talk to your friends, you are...

When you talk to your friends, you are...

The leader of the group, exposing my opnion everytime
Very communcative, always reflecting about the issues mentioned
Determined, always discussing with them in topics that I disagree
Quiet, keeping your thoughts for you, but always paying attention
You are working hard, really focused, on something and someone interrupts you. How do you react?

You are working hard, really focused, on something and someone interrupts you. How do you react?

I'm very angry, sometimes I yell at the person
I'm disappointed but I hold it for me, and act normal
Actually, I don't really care
What do you think before you go to bed?

What do you think before you go to bed?

I think about how tomorrow is gonna be
I think of the whole day and reflect about the things that happened
I don't think about nothing, I just want to sleep
I try to think of happy things, to sleep better
I'm afraid of something bad to happen while I'm sleeping so I take some time to sleep
I think about my future or random things
What do you usually dream about?

What do you usually dream about?

Anything that includes people I care about
Some form of violence
Something happy
Tough situations I have been through
My future, my objectives
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