Which of these metaphors defines you?

Which of these metaphors defines you?

Take this test and find out what your metaphor is.


You invited your friend to leave.He refuses because he is without money.What do you do?

I say that I will pay but not paid
I paid for he
I'm sad because I wanted him to pay for me.
Let's do something else that does not need money.
I'm going without him.

Do you consider yourself more:


When something irritates you, how do you react?

I stay away from everyone. To avoid an attitude that might saddened people.
I want to assault everyone.
I maintain the balance and solve the situation.

Are you suffering from bullying, what is your attitude?

I ask for guidance from someone to help me.
I ask for satisfaction with the aggressors.

You won in the lottery, what would you do?

I would buy a house in Miami.
I WOULD do the necessary and also donations for N.G.O.
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