Which Metaphor Are You?

Which Metaphor Are You?

Anwser this five questions and I will tell which metaphore fits you.

Imagem de perfil user: Bia Miron
Bia Miron

Who are you in your class?

The Smart
The Quiet
The Restless
The Clown

If you see somebody drop a wallet with US$100 what you do?

I give back to the person
I pick the wallet for myself
I ignore
I pick the money and give the wallet back to the owner

Someone is trying to stel you, what you do?

I run
I give what I have
I try to hide some things and give the rest
I face the thief

You have a big test tomorow morning, you:

go to study
go to sleep
give a look at the book
go play video game

You are introvert or extrovert?

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